23 janv. 2012

Leonardo Da Vinci exhibition at the National Gallery, Pukka Tea (Detox and Cleanse, my favorite) and Carluccio's equals a great weekend in London. Tomorrow I'm off to the British Library and then it's all back to studying for finals.

19 janv. 2012

Off to London to see the Leonardo exhibition at the National Gallery. I bought this broche when I was in Edinburgh in November and I think it will feel right at home because sadly the real Mona Lisa won't be there of course. Well, well.

3 janv. 2012

Time flies and so Christmas has already past. So sad, but we still have snow to look forward to. New Year's Eve made me realise I grew out of certain things and so the perfect way to start the year was to watch 8 femmes based on the play by Robert Thomas. The costumes and decoration win any francophile over in a sec but also the music surprisingly because I really don't like musicals.
Ohé and Happy New Year Baby.